Ways to Give

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As a non-profit, The Umbrella relies on the generosity and support of donors like you.

Your gift to the Annual Fund allows us to keep bringing you the arts, performances, and programs you expect and enjoy at The Umbrella.

To make a donation online, please use the button below:

Donate   (Through PayPal or Credit Card)

To mail a check, please send it to:

The Umbrella
40 Stow Street
Concord, MA 01742

Support us through your Amazon purchases.

By accessing Amazon.com via the specific link below, and asking your friends and relatives to do the same, The Umbrella will receive a percentage of your purchase.

Amazon is not just for CDs and Books. There are many on-line stores associated with Amazon (i.e. Target, Lands End to name a few).

Double or triple your gift through your Corporate Matching Gift Program!

If you have any questions, please call Katie Cimet at 978.371.0820, or email katie@theumbrellaarts.org

Thank You!